As we have repeatedly stated in our publications, shooting is not only entertainment for guys. The world of sports shooters is full of women who have achieved great success in high-level competitions, and there are a multitude of videos on the Internet with children shooting better than many adult men. Now that we have this taken care of, we would like to tell you how to get this sport to seem interesting to skeptical wives or children who have not yet decided what their hobbies are.
Wet your toe
As with learning to swim, there is nothing worse than being thrown into cold, deep water. The best way is to check its temperature first and start with the paddling pool, so as not to be discouraged from the beginning.
In our daily work, we often observe men choosing weapons to shoot by their partners. Names like Glock, Kalashnikov, Mossberg and other items of this kind are mentioned. While certainly exciting and being a great example of iconic small arms, they’re not necessarily appropriate for a person who has no prior contact with firearms and is not sure what he/she is even doing at the shooting range.

Both children and those who are not convinced of the whole concept should be encouraged to shoot by introducing it as gentle as possible. So any short handguns, as well as rifles powered by an intermediate or, worse, rifle cartridge, not to mention shotguns, are omitted.
They should start their journey with rifles firing rimfire ammunition .22 Long Rifle in the form of carbines such as the S&W M&P15-22 or GSG MP5. They do not have any recoil, do not make much noise, and are also light and easy to handle. The weapon should be equipped with an optical sight with magnification or an optoelectronic sight in the form of a collimator (red-dot sight). This will make it easier to hit the target and prevent the frustration of the beginner who cannot achieve his own expectations of himself, as a result of which he becomes discouraged from the whole idea of shooting.
The next stage (only if new shooter wishes to do so) is to switch to 9x19mm carbines, such as the Scorpion EVO 3 or the H&K MP5. UZI may already be too heavy. It is already a fully-fledged weapon used by the military or the police, but still devoid of excessive incentives. Going further, we can possibly consider carabiners powered by an intermediate cartridge on a bipod, from a sitting position. This is where we stop when it comes to children under 12. The further stages will depend on their individual psychophysical characteristics.

Only voluntarily
Another thing that needs to be done is to wait a certain period of time before proposing to visit the shooting range again. After a few weeks, you may suggest another visit, and if enthusiastic response is present, try shooting something bigger after consulting an instructor on site. If there is no longer any irrational fear of firearms in the person newly involved in shooting, you can switch to pistols powered by .22 LR ammunition or sports pistols firing 9×19 mm cartridges. They are characterized by a friendlier trigger and recoil impulse than combat guns such as Glock. However, they already require focus on aiming with iron sights which is harder than a red-dot.
The first contact with a rifle powered by an intermediate cartridge may also be a good idea. Models like the AR-15 do not generate excessive recoil and are relatively light, although the noise levels and the blast from the muzzle device are noticeable.

It is worth repeating such visits every few weeks, getting to know new weapon models, looking for favorite ones, getting used to the environment and learning safety rules. If, after a few visits, the new hobby does not get boring, the proposals of visiting the shooting range are received enthusiastically, or even are not required – you can think about the next level.
Getting serious
In the event that all signs in the sky and the ground clearly show that this is a good idea – think about the shooting course. It involves several hours of methodical learning how to use a pistol or rifle, its construction, method of operation, professional handling, changing magazines or removing failures that sometimes occur during shooting. It is not a form of entertainment, but learning. It can seem monotonous and frustrating, so it is by no means suitable for those unfamiliar with firearms.

Your own gun
And here comes the time for the finale of the story, i.e. own firearms license. If the passion for firearms has blossomed and is not limited to occasional shooting – it’s time to think about obtaining a firearms license. If your permanent place of stay is Poland. It is not a tedious process, nor does it require huge expenses. It comes down to meeting a number of requirements, after which the license MUST be issued and it is not a discretionary decision. We have already described this process in one of the blog entries. To sum up – slowly, without forcing anything, gradually towards the goal.
Beginnings with Cracow Shooting Academy
Cracow Shooting Academy is the perfect place to learn about shooting. During a visit to our shooting range, instructors ensure complete safety and a stress-free atmosphere. Before shooting begins, all doubts are dispelled, and the instructor accompanies the shooters all the time, taking care of safety and correcting mistakes. The reception desk staff helps to choose the best weapon package – depending on the individual characteristics of our clients. We also dealt with children many times, as well as people who were reluctant to the whole concept and afraid of weapons. Even three-generation families visit us – and we’re not just talking about the male part. An individual approach to the client always leads to a smile when leaving our shooting range. Visit us as soon as passible!